Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Plan

Good morning, all.

Today is the first official day of the fast. I had every intention last night to post the plan for the next 21 days. Obviously, that did not happen. After a late lunch with a good friend yesterday afternoon, a sudden wave of exhaustion overcame me - crazy exhaustion (and the fast hadn't even started yet!). So, I came home, set the alarm on my phone - just in case - and promptly fell asleep on my couch. When I woke up two hours later, I had the beginnings of a migraine and that 'little voice' telling me that I didn't really need to go to the Saturday night church service (my service of choice), I could just go to one of the Sunday services. Interesting how Satan knows just how to weaken and tempt you. I wasn't having any of that last night, though, so I got up, got dressed and went to church. Boy, have I got to tell you, I am glad I did! If I could've had each of you there with me so that you could hear and understand the purpose behind this fast, I would have! It was fantastic...but, that pesky migraine did not go away. After the service, it took all I had to get home, take care of my animals, take some medicine and get back on the couch. No blogging for me. I could barely even look at my cell phone, let alone a computer screen. I feel 100% better this morning, however, so here it goes.

The Plan:

Step 1 of the plan involves setting your objective - Why am I fasting? I believe my first blog covers that fairly well, however, for those of you just joining in, I will summarize. I am participating in this fast to renew my strength and reconnect my soul with God.

"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31"

Step 2 is making your commitment.
1. How long will I fast? 21 days
2. What type of fast? I am following a version commonly referred to as Daniel's Fast. There are two types of fasts mentioned in the book of Daniel. (Daniel 1:11-15, Daniel 10:2-3). Both of these fasts are open to interpretation to a degree, but today's basic understanding is something like this - In the first fast, Daniel only eats vegetables (possibly fruit) and water, and excludes everything else. In the second, Daniel is a little more vague in saying that he eliminates the 'king's foods' which is understood to mean choice foods, meat and wine. We don't really know what 'choice foods' are, but based on some historical knowledge and conjecture, there are some relatively decent suggestions and guesses out there.

Things that I will be consuming:
Brown Rice, Oats, Barley
Legumes: Beans, Pinto Beans, Lentils, Black Eyed Peas
Fruits: Basically any and all fruits available to me
Vegetables: Basically any vegetable available to me
Seeds, Nuts, Sprouts
Liquid: Water and natural (no sugar added) fruit juices and vegetable juices

Things I will not be consuming:
Meat, Poultry, Fish
White Rice
Fried Foods
Caffeine, Coffee, Tea
Carbonated Beverages
Foods containing preservatives or additives
Refined Sugar or Sugar Substitutes
White Flour
Margarine, Butter, Shortening, High Fat Products
Dairy (Milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.)

It is important to note that this fast isn't about food. Fasting is a spiritual and emotional discipline designed to draw us closer to God. What is in my stomach is not what matters, it is what is in my heart. As one minister put it, choosing to restrict certain foods through fasting is an outward sign of our inward commitment to God. It is a means of disciplining your body and focusing your spirit that results in cleansing your body and soul and reconnecting you with God.

It is also important to know that there is no restriction on the amount of food consumed. In other words, I can eat broccoli and brussel sprouts to my heart's content... right, or maybe just know that I won't be starving.

3. What physical restrictions am I applying? Some of that is obvious in the list above, but specific restrictions I am placing on myself are:
No Starbucks (ack!)
No iced tea (ack!)
No caffeine of any kind (ack!)
Remember, this is supposed to be a time of sacrifice, a time to cast aside things of the world that we depend upon... like Starbucks. It will not be easy - but then, it wouldn't be called a sacrifice if it was. You can also believe that all three of those things will be put on post it notes and placed randomly around my apartment and office to remind me! Talk about power.

I will also be limiting television and computer time. Practically speaking, I cannot eliminate these things completely (I'm in marketing and communications for crying out loud), but I can minimize the time I spend with the distraction when at home.

The good news is, this time of prayer and fasting isn't just about deprivation! I am depriving myself of things of the world, so that I may be filled with the Holy Spirit!

I am adding:
Daily devotions (provided thru
Daily quiet time for prayer and reading God's word

Also, all that time I will be spending at home with the television and computer off? I will be using that time to catch up on my reading! I have a stack of Christian books that I have been collecting for years and never 'found the time' to read. Books ranging from strictly educational Men of the Bible to more inspirational Me and My Big Mouth (Joyce Meyer), and Waking the Dead (Eldredge). That last one I began reading some months ago, after reading Captivating and Wild at Heart, but I became distracted and never finished it. I am going to try again. Along with several others.

Activities I will be attending at Celebration:
Wednesday night services
Saturday evening services
Friday Prayer and Worship Nights (Jan 15, Jan 29)
Night of Prayer (Fri., Jan 22)
I will also be looking for a small group to plug into, and any other events that interest me.

Today is the first day of the fast! I have my concerns, of course. Namely, I am concerned that I continue to consume the proper amount of nutrients for my body to function properly. I tend to require a very high level of protein, so making sure I select items high in protein is extremely important. I may even consider turning to whey protein or even soy milk (juice) if this proves to be more difficult than first assumed. Also, fasting can be physically and emotionally draining... but I have a responsibility to my employer to remain sharp, focused and productive. Now, I am tenacious enough to believe that this can be accomplished and maintained throughout the course of the fast. I would consider myself foolish, however, if I did not admit to at least being mildly concerned. So, it will be a part of my daily prayers that God give me the strength and ability to be the rock star employee I always aim to be. That's about it.

With all that said - It is time for me to get started! I am excited and more than a little relieved to be finding my way.

Thank you for reading. Much love and many kisses.


  1. Dried limas and black eyed peas are pretty high in protein. They may help. Certain vegetables (surprisingly enough!) have decent amounts of protein, too. But you'd have to check a website or label for that because I'm not sure which ones are best.

    Love you!

  2. I have no doubts you can do it. Continued good luck!
