Monday, January 11, 2010


Well, I think I have made a miss-step here. I will say it is because of my own naivety, however, I am now aware of the truth and am going to work on undoing what I've done and moving forward correctly in the future. My awareness came compliments of the following scripture...

Matthew 6:16-18

And whenever you fast, do not put on a gloomy face as the hypocrites do, for they neglect their appearance in order to be seen fasting by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. 17 But you, when you fast, anoint your head, and wash your face 18 so that you may not be seen fasting by men, but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will repay you.

I will say, I do not believe my motives in blogging about my experience were entirely selfishly motivated, I was seeking to help and motivate others through sharing my experience...but I was also seeking support and accountability. I believe now that this was wrong.

While I still feel I can encourage others through sharing God's word and my experiences, I will no longer be able to do it as pertains to the Awakening 21 specifically. I am unsure if I will continue to blog about certain things throughout the next 3 weeks, I will have to consider that prayerfully later and try to hear what God wants to reveal to me.

I apologize to any who felt my openness to be boastful. I was not looking for accolades or admiration. Forgive me.

I continue to be encouraged by His word and hope that each of you will be as well.

Much love and many kisses.


  1. Sharing your experience during this fast via blogging is not boastful. God has given all of us that claim Him to be our Lord and Savior the charge to share with others His name and His glory. Be that example. I applaud you for taking on the challenge of this fast, but I applaud God for reaching down and grabbing a hold of you. He has you right where he wants you. Here you can affect the lives of so many people. There are probably many lost souls seeking God's face in your sphere of influence. Don’t deny them the opportunity to see God’s face in your life. Writing in a blog is no different than a pastor writing a book about his personal experience with God. God allows to experience life so that we can share that experience with someone that is suffering through the same difficulties as we are experiencing, or have experienced. Praise God and the Lord Jesus Christ for giving you the talent and the depth to write about your experiences. Make no mistake, the talents you have are not given to you by chance. He has you in His plan and you are doing the right thing by fasting and sharing. --- HTM

  2. I don't see anything in this being "boastful." These thoughts are reflecting what you're feeling. I'm in no way religious, but you would've felt it in your heart if you thought this was wrong to do in the beginning. Think about it. I think you sharing this way is the same as anyone that stands up and shares their experiences in any form, vocally, or otherwise.

  3. You don't need to worry about being boastful...your honesty does not allow it. This is keeping you accountable, there is a difference. Blessings to you on your journey. I will probably be going through something similar during Lent but doubtfully would have the drive to continue to blog about it every day, maybe because I wouldn't want to admit when I mess it up! Keep sharing and praying about it and the right things will come to you. ((hugs))
