Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Bring it!

That sounds so very confident, doesn't it?

Yeah, not so much. :o) This is the overriding theme of the P90X program. "Bring it!" is a favorite (and ridiculously simplistic motivating) statement throughout Day 1 of the workout.

While in my head I say "yeah, bring it, whoot!" outwardly, I'm grinning like an idiot and just on the edge of breaking into hysterics because I know approximately what I am about to face and exactly how awesomely I am about to butcher the moves! Hee.

Thus are the first impressions of a newbie to the full P90X program. Prior to starting this monster I followed general Me procedure and research it. I read company propaganda, online reviews, hosted an unofficial survey on Facebook and Twitter. I knew that this program would be more challenging than anything I have ever tried before. I also considered myself to be in relatively decent shape (having recently biked 29 miles and lived to tell the tale). I realize now, as I sit as still as possible in my desk chair lest I cringe in pain, that this somewhat positive opinion of myself was nothing short of delusional!

That's okay, though, because while I feel like I have the muscular physique of a slug right about now, I also have been feeling the "burn" and ever mind-twisting "good" kind of pain that comes with any good workout that actually challenges you.

In other words, right now, I'm really loving it... because I can tell it is working. I am struggling. There are some moves I can't do yet, my push-ups look less like push-ups and more like me bracing the floor in case of an unexpected earthquake, and my bouncing around the living room last night during plyo sent the dog and cat scattering under and behind the nearest pieces of furniture. I will not be deterred as yet, however. I mean, sure I'm limping around today with the mobility of an 80 years old woman... oh wait, no, my Granny (76) and great-grandmother (Big Mama, 100) move around better than I do right now, so bad analogy... let's just say walking upright is a bit of a challenge. Ha! You know what, though? Bracing the floor for an earthquake and bouncing around my apartment like a baby kangaroo for the last two days is a heck of a lot more physical activity than I required of myself just three days ago... so I consider that a WIN.

Don't get me wrong, P90X is definitely a love/hate relationship, during some of the workouts you will hate it, your body will hate it, and you will want to deliver all manner of curses upon the evil spawns of Satan that created such a butt-kicker... but if you focus on the small victories and remember that muscle soreness means progress then a few hours later, you will love it, love that it is working, love that you are getting healthier (one little bit at a time), and actually look forward to seeing how your body will rise to the challenge during the next workout.

Admittedly, I am not in any rush to do another set of squats, lunges, or push-ups for that matter... but, I am still really looking forward to (in a deranged and narcissistic sort of way) tonight's shoulder and arm workout... when this is all said and done, my body is going to feel awesome... and that, folks, is enough to motivate this 29 year old to keep pushing PLAY.


  1. Hi Jenn! This is Tu-Anh. P90X is SO intense. Tony Horton is so ridiculously cheesy, but somehow that helps a lot. Best of luck! I'm a wimp, and can't do the entire set of videos...I just pick and choose from the ones I like. Best of luck with it!

  2. AWESOME and FUNNY post! Honest and real and inspiring! Way to go!

  3. Hey, Tu-Anh! Thanks! Girl, I think doing any of the videos is an accomplishment, so congrats!

    Tiffany, thank you! I just signed up for a free account on Beachbody... listed you as my referring coach. Thanks for the encouragement so far, looking forward to the rest of the journey!
